Huck Photo Workshops: Documentary portraits round-up

Huck Photo Workshops: Documentary portraits round-up
A real-life Huck assignment — In our latest practical masterclass, award-winning documentary photographer Guy Martin tackles the art of the observed portrait and gets photographers off all abilities capturing a sense of character in a real-life Huck brief.

Photography is a solo game. But here at Huck we prefer to play it as a team. Every image is a collaboration, between photographer, editor, art director and subject. And now, with Huck Photo Workshops, we’re adding you into the mix.

Huck Photo Workshops are practical masterclasses led by award-winning Huck photographers that bring you right into the centre of how we do things here at the magazine.

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On June 8-9, we were joined by Guy Martin, who broke down the art of the documentary portrait and the pivotal role it plays in both personal and commissioned work. For the past decade, Guy has been shooting assignments for Huck while covering stories of social change across the Middle East – in Libya, Egypt, Turkey and beyond – honing his eye for visual narratives and the powerful portraits that ground them. His most recent personal project on traditional Slavic Muslim weddings was published by National Geographic.

After a hit of inspiration and some practical advice, workshop attendees – both working freelancers and complete first-timers – were sent out on a real Huck assignment; to capture a person’s character in two complementary frames.

On day two, we tackled the edit – working together in small collaborative teams with one-on-one time with Guy, as well as Huck Editor-in-Chief Andrea Kurland and Art Director Oliver Stafford. And the results were pretty astounding.

These are just the highlights.


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Huck Photo Workshops are a new kind of practical masterclass that aims to close the gap between Huck readers and photographers they admire. Join us!

Up Next: Independent Publishing: How To Put Out Your Own Photobook with Palm* Studios and If You Leave, June 25, 12-4pm, 71a Gallery, Shoreditch. Book tickets now on Eventbrite



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